Where did I come from?
I came from a Monarch’s chrysalis
Too soon, still a gooey mess
So, I hitched a ride on Road Runner’s back
Who took me atop an Enchanted Rock
Where hot stones baked me to wholeness
“The Earth,” I said, “I come from you”
But the skies grew dark and lightning struck me
Out to sea and into the mouth of Whale
Who carried me to the shores of Mexico
“You come from here,” she said
Gently rolling me beneath her baleens,
Nudging me to the glistening sand
Where I caught flight
On the wings of Condor
Who soared on updrafts toward the sun
For the first time, I felt the bliss of being alive
“In warmth, we all find home” she said.
This is how I learned
It doesn’t matter where you come from
But only with whom you travel.
laura k. kerr, phd
Scholar, writer, gardener, birder, yogi
Student of art, poetry, and sustainable living
“So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life.” — Mary Oliver, poet