Too Stressed to Meditate?

Buddhist psychology claims there are three primary emotions or sensations — pleasant, painful, and neutral. Arising from these primary emotions are our reactions to them, the so-called secondary emotions. For example, we might feel desire or joy in...

The Eternal Marriage

My husband and I have been together almost 37 years, 33 of them married. We know couples past the 50-year point. Some like to trump our landmark. “Pshaw. Newlyweds.” But in a nation where half of marriages end in divorce, and about half the people wanting a...

Love and the Split Self

In the movie Take This Waltz, a young Canadian woman, Margot, is happily married although not excited about her life. Her work doesn’t fulfill her. She designs brochures but would rather be a “real” writer. She describes herself as afraid of being...

BBC’s “The Why Factor”: On Cultural Memory

BBC’s The Why Factor has a short podcast on trauma well worth your time (18 minutes).  Cultural Memory explores how societies respond collectively to traumatic memories of war and extreme human rights violations, which too often involves...

A Sensorimotor Approach to Becoming Indigenous (and Healing Trauma)

While hiking among the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon National Park, I learned the Paiutes Indians called these majestic rock pillars the Legend People who coyote trickster turned to stone because of their evil ways. Looking out on Bryce Canyon, thinking about the fierce...

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